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Essentials for Homemade Pad Thai

Happiness is, when you get back home from a day at work or school, and you can smell from the living room mom’s homemade Pad Thai in the kitchen!

What is Pad Thai? It’s one of the most beloved noodle dishes in the world, made with flat rice noodles, tofu, chicken and/or shrimp added. A stir-fry dish that can commonly be found in street food in Thailand, but also in pretty much all Thai restaurants. My mom used to lived in Bangkok, where she learned about the Thai culture through its food. She didn’t learn much about cooking then as she was just a child, but when she became a mom, her cooking skills naturally came and worked some serious magic in the kitchen for dad, sister and myself. We all love our mom’s Pad Thai. She can see the joy on our faces when we come back home, and there’s a jar of Cock Brand – Pad Thai Paste on the kitchen counter. That means it’s Pad Thai Night!

Nothing beats a home cooked Pad Thai dish from mom. While it doesn’t necessarily taste like what you get from your local restaurants, it’s however the Pad Thai we like, where extra servings come at no cost.

“Cooking is at once child’s play and adult joy. And cooking done with care is an act of love.”CRAIG CLAIBORNE

Pad Thai is a relatively simple dish that can be cooked under 30 minutes. Instead of making our own Pad Thai sauce, which can be done with fish sauce and tamarind paste, our family has been using the pre-made sauce from Cock Brand. It has a sweet, sour and savoury flavor that satisfy our taste buds!

Essential Ingredients to make your own Pad Thai from Home

Other than getting fresh ingredients from your local grocery store – Chicken, Shrimp, Tofu, Bean Sprouts, and Egg – here are the essential ingredients to make your own Pad Thai:

Ready to be your own authentic Pad Thai from home? Happy cooking!

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