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Miso Soup with Tofu & Seaweed

Miso soup is a traditional Japanese soup consisting of a dashi stock. Versatile, there are many ingredients that may be added depending on personal preference. This recipe is simple and easy to prepare.

Preparation: 7 minutesSoaking: 30 minutes 
Cooking: 2 minutesQuantity: 4 portions 



  1. Place the dashi kombu in a bowl. Cover with 1 liter of water and leave to rehydrate for 30 minutes.
  2. Remove the dashi kombu from the water, and set aside on a plate. Do not throw water.
  3. In a saucepan, bring the reserved water to a boil. Add the granulated dashi, then reduce the heat to medium.
  4. Add miso paste and whisk until dissolved. Add the dashi kombu.
  5. Divide the soup into the bowls. Garnish with green onions.

Check out more recipes from @cuisineravecjenna!

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